Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 5, 2012

Parliament to discuss the fund tobacco prevention

Many people said that the establishment of the fund has shown political commitment of the State and the legal camera quan sat basis to mobilize resources for the prevention of and combat the harmful effects of tobacco.

Step 2 to day work, the 3rd session, 13th Congress, am 22/5, after hearing the Commissioner of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Committee on Social Affairs of the National Assembly Truong viec lam dau khi Thi Mai's report presented the National Assembly Standing Committee to explain to collect, revise the draft Bill against the harmful effects of tobacco, Congress has conducted discussions.
The participants agreed camera quan sat that the need for the Law on prevention of harmful effects of tobacco. The reviews also basically agrees with the explanatory report of the National Assembly Standing Committee; do better on some content, such as health warnings and advertising. Congress spent much viec lam dau khi time setting up a fund and how well the fund manager; to clarify the forms of handling violations, where smoking is banned ...

The National Assembly at the opening session 3, XIII National AssemblyLaw is on life?
The feasibility of the Bill, camera quan sat comments concerns, fearing that after the promulgation of the Law, may reduce tax revenue from tobacco, affecting 20,000 jobs of tobacco, nearly 200 000 farmers participating in tobacco growing, especially in some geographical areas are identified tobacco plants to help reduce poverty and could affect tens of thousands of participating retail cigarettes.

The National Assembly camera quan sat Standing Committee, said that the impact of smoking on people's health should the macroeconomic policies should aim to give priority to protecting public health, the common interests of the people. International experience and research of the impact assessment shows that the Bill, promulgated the Law on prevention of tobacco's harmful effects is the solution of mutual benefit, viec lam dau khi that is just increasing revenue (due to tax increases tobacco) has been protecting people's health and will not affect the production and growing of tobacco (as still growing and tobacco production to meet demand for those uses can not quit smoking ).

The feasibility of the acts prohibited, some camera quan sat comments wondering about the feasibility of the prohibitions on smoking in public places, workplaces, because in recent years despite the Prime Government has banned smoking in public places but smoking status has been very common, difficult to handle violations.

Many comments concerned will encounter many difficulties in dealing with violations of the ban on smoking in public places. So many reviews of the National Assembly the authority to request the head of the public places specified and handling violations of the smoking ban through regulations, viec lam dau khi internal conventions of the establishment.

There should establish a fund
In discussion, many different opinions on the establishment of the fund prevention and harm of tobacco. There are delegates concerned, the laws themselves have established funds but actually very difficult to implement and highly effective; the establishment of funds will lead to the administrative procedures, human resources organization ...
However, many of votes for the establishment of funds, but also not agree on sources of funds.
Accordingly, delegates endorsed the plan: Every year a budget for funding exceed 2 percent (%) of proceeds from the excise tax on cigarettes .... Because that represents the unity of legal systems, transparent, clear and easy to control revenues and expenditures, ease of implementation process.
However, many comments supported the plan: mandatory contribution of manufacturing facilities, the import viec lam dau khi of cigarettes calculated by percentage (%) of the selling price of cigarettes without excise duty, taxes value, but not more than 2% and is collected along with excise tax revenue by the enterprise of self-reported self-payment on account of the Fund.

Vuong Dinh Hue delegates (Union of Binh Dinh), the Minister of Finance said that, if taken from the budget will face some difficulties and shortcomings. As against the harmful effects of tobacco is completely the responsibility of the State, that enterprise, smokers must be involved. The deduction does not raise the budget is the responsibility of the producer, importer and smokers for the health of the people. Even easier is the State imply a remedial responsibility of the producers and tobacco use.
The second is difficult to use will be very difficult budget spent on the activities of organizations and individuals, to viec lam dau khi communication by the special funds and expenditure. Therefore, to use cost effective budget that is not high.

If revenues from the tax deduction will not be stable, this method does not match with the principle of socialization, while the profits of this sector is quite high and much lower tax rate countries in the world.
On an nhoan collection plans mandatory contribution of manufacturing facilities, import cigarettes, according to Minister Vuong Dinh Hue, have shown the basics and the reimbursement of business. This revenue does not affect the budget, not of legislation and not the amount from the budget should be spent on the ease of operation.
The opinions of the participants: Nguyen Thanh Binh (Vinh Long Group), Pham Khanh Phong Lan (Ho Chi Minh City Group) and camera quan sat several other delegates also favored option 2 because despite an obligatory contribution, but will not significantly affect businesses and growing tobacco for the tax increase plan, excise tax on cigarettes must account for 60-80% of retail price (currently 45%), there is reasonable only reduced benefits of tobacco production team and makes up part of the price of cigarettes.

Concern over tobacco advertising disguised
Although tobacco advertising is banned, but regulations on the display lets not close to manufacturers' bend the rules ".
Article 25 of Law provisions, the person responsible at the retailer, the retailer must not display tobacco than a pack or a carton / box of a product of a tobacco brand.
Many participants wondered opinion, this provision can be taken advantage of, because in fact, sellers can display viec lam dau khi multiple bag or carton / box of different drug products of the same brand of cigar, and there several points to be displayed.Thus, the general intangible created significant advertising effect.

What delegates K'Ru (Dak Nong Group) said that if had prohibited advertising in any form should display more limited, there is such a new high efficiency.
Sharing the same opinion, delegate Nguyen Xuan Truong (Group Office) recommends stricter regulations and more limited, as only displaying more than one bag or a carton / box of a tobacco brand. "
At the session, the overwhelming majority of participants agreed with the provisions in the health warning in words and images constitute at least 50% of the cigarette packs, the latter depending on the situation the Government may provide area to rise above 50% as specified in paragraph 6 of Article 15 of the draft.
The printing of health warnings in words and images constitute at least 50% of the cigarette pack is basically strong enough to promote the work of warning, in accordance with the Framework Convention on tobacco control and possibledetermination of the State in preventing the harmful effects of tobacco.
On the place of the prohibition of smoking in the house but is allowed to have places reserved for smokers, it was suggested that the ban on smoking in restaurants, bars, karaoke is not feasible, should consider adding provisions this.
Many participants also reviews camera quan sat proposed regulations should prohibit tobacco sales in all restaurants, discos, karaoke. The National Assembly Standing Committee agreed with this opinion and have internalized.

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