Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 4, 2012

Opened first mining venture Vietnam Oil and Gas - Venezuela

One mark of the success of the 2nd session of the Intergovernmental Committee Vietnam - Venezuela, the second Joint Venture inside oil and gas sector is PetroMacareo has officially opened the first oil field in viec lam dau khi Venezuela two Junin area.

Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai generally happy with the officials and employees of the mine - Photo VGP / Raw Spirit
From the capital of Caracas to viec lam dau khi attend the opening ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai and leaders of Venezuela assess this event as an important milestone in the relationship of comprehensive cooperation relations between the two countries, especially in trade and economic energy viec lam dau khi - oil and gas, making possible agreement on energy cooperation between Vietnam and Venezuela have signed during the visit to Vietnam by President Hugo Chavez in 2006.
 The two sides agreed to continue to support and facilitate the two countries to the oil industry to take steps to facilitate joint project soon achieve first oil line as well as another milestone on plans exploitation. Also viec lam dau khi recommended partners, enterprises direct installation, operation, mining efforts, implementation schedule, goals, achieve success and efficiency in the first step as a whole contracts, creating a favorable momentum for scaling up cooperation in oil and gas sector as agreed, wants the country's leadership has set out.
Overview of the first drilling venture PetroMacare - Photo VGP / Raw Spirit
This is real important activities of the Joint Venture Company PetroMacareo - legal entities established by the National viec lam dau khi Petroleum Corporation two countries (PetroVietnam and PDVSA). Mine as well as mine first followed in Junin 2 in the Orinoco oil belt (Venezuela), aims to exploit heavy oil in the area of ​​development and upgrading of heavy oil and product sales after the second upgrade in block Junin .
 Joint venture contract between the two countries have oil and gas industry for up to 25 years after signing with the maximum extension period of 15 years.Development area 247.8 km ² area with crude oil reserves are 36.6 billion barrels in place. Volume recovery operators in 25 years is 1.466 billion barrels, in the case of 15-year extension can exploit up to 2.5 billion barrels of oil.
Initial mining output expected 50,000 viec lam dau khi barrels / day and peaked 200,000 barrels / day by 2015. Total investment of the project during the 2009-2014 period PVN / PVEP is 1825 million.

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